Collingwood School Remote Learning
During the period of closure, due to the Covid-19 outbreak, Collingwood School has been committed to a full programme of learning for all our pupils.
The children may be learning from home, but our promise is to ensure that their education continues to be engaging, inspiring and challenging for all – this is our pledge. We are also committed to Collingwood’s continuation of nurturing care. There is individual support for both pupil and parents wherever it is needed – we are very aware that this can be such a challenging time for all in our close community.
There is a timetable of sessions across the day: this includes class video meet ups with the teachers and tasks set for each child. The pupils then submit their work online for the teacher to assess and feedback to the child with next steps for their learning.
Examples of recent tasks include a science investigation with labelled photos; historical documentary with voice over; an enacted scene from a french marketplace; a Lego re-enactment of a famous fairy tale; a ukulele composition; a mathematical challenge involving group collaboration; and an illustrated poem to describe just a few.
We are so pleased that the feedback from our parents and children has been so positive as we show our continuing commitment to the fantastic pupils in our care.
“We have been so impressed with the way in which the school has provided such a high level of online learning for the children at such short notice. We are really proud of our school”
“The online learning put in place at Collingwood is very impressive… The dedication from staff to test it and get it working was amazing. I am also very impressed with the attention paid the children’s mental health and wellbeing at this challenging time”
“Thumbs up from us. Very good that the nursery group is joining in on the remote learning too and not forgotten”
Remote Learning Help Sheets
The following sheets are designed to help pupils and parents access our on line pupil learning platforms.
Remote Learning Timetables