Special educational needs (SEN)
We welcome pupils with educational needs as an integral part of the Collingwood community.
The school is committed to providing effective differentiation to offer curriculum and social access to all pupils. We acknowledge that some children will need additional support which may include small group or individual support. We have a team of excellent and highly trained support assistants who are able provide the most suitable individualised learning packages under the guidance of our SENCO. Parents, guardians and carers are respected and valued as partners and communicated and consulted with on a regular basis. They are fully involved in their child’s education. We work efficiently and effectively with any outside agencies involved with the children. A multi-disciplinary approach to SEND is adopted and developed by the school at every opportunity.
We also recognise that children may experience times where they require extra emotional support and nurture. A key feature of our school support an unique to our individual approach is our ‘nurture’ group, which provides a predictable, emotionally secure and structured setting. In this small focus group, children are given opportunities to discuss any worries or concerns. These regular, structured sessions help the children relax, develop confidence and encourage positive communication and interaction.
‘Pupils who have SEND make good progress in line with their peers. Leaders are proactive in identifying those pupils who may require support and in putting this in place.’ – ISI Report 2024