Parent and Volunteer Guidelines
For both in School and during School trips
Thank you for volunteering to help our children in school. We feel that the involvement of parents in children’s education is vital and we encourage active participation in many ways. In whatever way parents offer their time, we are always extremely grateful.
The aim of this page is to give you all the information you need to make your time both worthwhile and enjoyable. Thank you for your support.
At Collingwood, we strive to be a place to nurture and inspire our pupils and parent helpers have a valuable role in helping us to fulfil these aims.
There is a requirement for schools to carry out a Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check for all staff and volunteers who have regular contact with children. All schools need to hold a register of the checks undertaken.
In order for you to regularly work in school as a volunteer, you will need to complete a DBS check (we can set that up as an online check). Please be assured that all information will be treated in the strictest confidence and that these checks are done only in the best interests and safety of the children.
If a child tells you something that causes you concern, please tell the class teacher or DSL (Head) or Mrs Eddleston (Deputy DSL) as soon as possible after the disclosure in an appropriate setting so that others cannot overhear. Our separate Safeguarding guide for volunteers and visitors is attached.
Parent Helper Guidelines Confidentiality
• It is very important that all staff, parent volunteers and other adults working in the school work to a policy of confidentiality. You may see children struggling with work, be upset or misbehaving or hear/see other information concerning a child while you are with us in school. It is vital that you do not share anything about specific children with friends or family or a child’s parent if you know them. The teachers here have the responsibility of informing parents of any concerns about a child.
• Volunteers working in classrooms should do so on the understanding that they support the teaching staff and will not pass opinion on such matters as discipline or teaching styles outside the school.
• Volunteers in school are asked not to use the time to deal with issues regarding their own children. If you wish to speak to the class teacher or another member of staff, you should make an appointment in the usual way.
• Volunteers are respectfully asked that they dress appropriately for being in school.
• Please do not worry about your own child’s behaviour while you are helping as often he/she will behave quite differently if mum/dad is there. Most children soon get used to their parent helping in class and settle down.
• Please encourage the children to be independent – we expect children to try everything themselves before we help them.
• Please do not lift, carry or move a child in any way, unless specific and appropriate reasons are given by a staff member.
• If you are unable to be in school, please let the class teacher know either in person or by telephoning the office.
Guidance for Volunteers for School Trips
If you have any questions about a school trip, please see the class teacher. We do appreciate your help on school trips – it would be difficult to organise visits outside school without parent volunteers.
• Parents may not always have their own child in their group.
• Mobile phones and cameras are not permitted to be used, unless checked with the trip leader.
• All children need to be treated equally e.g. your own child cannot be given food/sweets.
• The teacher will give parent helpers a list of children for whom they are responsible.
• All children are told that they must stay with their group and the group adult at all times.
• If the trip involves a coach journey, please help the children in your group to put on and fit their seatbelts. Children are not allowed to eat or drink on the coaches. The class teacher has sick bags, if needed.
• The class teacher is responsible for ALL first aid and medication. The class teacher leads the rules, routines and expectations for the day. Please help the teacher by ensuring your group follows all instructions e.g. when to eat and drink.
• If there is a medical or other emergency, let the class teacher know immediately. The class teacher is responsible for contacting the school in emergency situations.
• If you need to leave your group for any reason, please inform another adult.
• If appropriate, children will be permitted to bring their own money on the trip. This should not be supplemented in any way nor gifts bought for individual children or groups.
• Parent volunteers are asked to keep the same degree of confidentiality as in school. If you have any queries or problems concerning the trip, please direct these in the first instance to the class teacher, or if you would rather, the Head teacher on return from the trip