Our Year 5 and 6 pupils took part in Orchestra Unwrapped last week, what a fantastic experience for all involved. Here is an account of the afternoon by one of our Year 6 students.
Last Thursday Year 5 and 6 went on a school trip to the Royal Festival Hall in the Southbank Centre near the London Eye, to watch the Philharmonic Orchestra perform. We left in the morning and arrived at lunchtime to eat at the venue. After the scrumptious lunch we started making our way up to the hall. Eventually we all sat down to wait for the performance to start. It started off with the presenter Rachel introducing the orchestra and the conductor to the audience. The first piece they played was Appalachian Spring by Aaron Copland. Some of our artwork was projected on to the screen during the concert which was so cool! Then we started to sing with the orchestra which was even cooler! The two pieces we sang along to were ‘Ode to Joy’ by Beethoven and ‘Dawn Awakening’ by Aaron Copland. When the concert ended everyone left really happy and proud that they had just sung with a real orchestra.
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