About Us I

About Fable
  • Welcoming place that engages each child.

    Nulla adiscipling elite forte, nodis est advance pulvinar maecenas est dolor, novum elite lacina.
    Praesent arcu gravida a vehicula est node maecenas loareet maecenas morbi dosis luctus mode. Urna eget lacinia eleifend molibden dosis et gravida dosis sit amet terminal.
  • Friendly atmosphere plus quality children care.

    Nulla adiscipling elite forte, nodis est advance pulvinar maecenas est dolor, novum elite lacina.
    Praesent arcu gravida a vehicula est node maecenas loareet maecenas morbi dosis luctus mode. Urna eget lacinia eleifend molibden dosis et gravida dosis sit amet terminal.
  • Dedicated classrooms with top skilled educators.

    Nulla adiscipling elite forte, nodis est advance pulvinar maecenas est dolor, novum elite lacina.
    Praesent arcu gravida a vehicula est node maecenas loareet maecenas morbi dosis luctus mode. Urna eget lacinia eleifend molibden dosis et gravida dosis sit amet terminal.
    • Morbi Etos

      Praesent interdum est gravida vehicula est node maecenas loareet morbi a dosis luctus novum est praesent.

    • Congue Gravida

      Elipsis magna a terminal nulla elementum morbi elite forte maecenas est magna etos interdum vitae est.

    • Maecenas Node

      Praesent interdum est gravida vehicula est node maecenas loareet morbi a dosis luctus novum est praesent.

    • Praesent Morbi

      Elipsis magna a terminal nulla elementum morbi elite forte maecenas est magna etos interdum vitae est.

    • Placerat Etos

      Praesent interdum est gravida vehicula est node maecenas loareet morbi a dosis luctus novum est praesent.

    • Etiam Interdum

      Elipsis magna a terminal nulla elementum morbi elite forte maecenas est magna etos interdum vitae est.

  • What's New

    Keep up to date with the latest news
    • Healthy Body Healthy Mind Week
      A fantastic week of learning and collaboration for all as we participated in the national initiative of Children’s Mental Health Week. We took on daily challenges and started each day with a whole school ‘wake up and [...]
    • Collingwood Summer Fair
      The final Saturday of the school year saw the return of the Collingwood Summer Fair. This is a fantastic event for all the community to come together and raise funds led by our Parent Staff [...]
    • Musical Talent
      We have been treated to two amazing performances in the last weeks of term with our KS2 Drama Club production of ‘Mary Poppins’ and our school music concert in the following week. What confidence and talent [...]